Kennedy was a mentor during his early days in the United States Senate, and was an early and avid booster of his presidential campaign. 在奥巴马进入美国参议院初期,肯尼迪曾作过奥巴马的导师,而且在奥巴马参加总统竞选期间,肯尼迪很早就积极帮助奥巴马竞选。
However, the Senate report is not limited to the torture itself. It also documents the CIA's systematic and criminal campaign over subsequent years to cover up the program. 然而,参议院的报告并未局限于刑讯本身,还记录了CIA在随后时间里采取了系统性犯罪活动以掩盖刑讯行为。
SCOTT BROWN, REPUBLICAN SENATE CANDIDATE: This is my truck. I put a lot of miles on it during this campaign. 共和党参议员候选人:这是我的座驾。在这次竞选活动中,我乘这辆车行驶了很远的路程。
A few weeks after giving the interview, Kennedy ended her Senate campaign. 接受采访后几个星期,甘迺迪结束了她的参议员竞选。
If confirmed by the Senate, Kathleen Sebelius, an early supporter of Barack Obama's campaign for president, is expected to play a prominent role in reforming the nation's health care system. 如果获得参议院批准,现年60岁的西贝柳斯将在改革美国医疗保健系统的过程中发挥主要作用。西贝柳斯从奥巴马刚开始竞选的时候就站在他一边。
I have served in the Senate with him for four years. I have been in this campaign with him for16 months. 我已经和他在议会里共事了四年,在竞选里战斗了16个月,在台前近距离对峙了22场战役。